Thursday, January 14, 2010

Item n.27: Beef brisket and tendon curry rice

Another masterpiece. The curry sauce itself was quite standard (if I'm allowed the term), but the capsicums, petite tomatoes, potatoes and onions made it all mushy, munchy and fun. The high note was the beef brisket. I have no idea what in the world they did to that meat: not only the grease and nerves were unbelievably tender, but they also tasted like premium quality butter (what's up with that!). I almost cried. I guess the fact that I ordered something relatively edible for second day in a row also helped . 

The only thing that upset a bit my stomach was the hot milk with egg I ordered for drinking. And yup, that is a raw egg inside the glass. But as an egg fan I couldn't let this opportunity pass. Let's say the opportunity came, stayed and already passed as liquidly as it came. =P 

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