Thursday, January 21, 2010

A walk through Times Square

This entry is purely experimental. Right below this paragraph you'll see a podcast icon ready to be played. The audio is precisely the sounds of the place I'm writing about, Times Square. The idea (only for those who want) is to play the podcast as you read the post, so as to be "immersed" a bit more while reading. Just trying to see whether the experience of reading  improves or not. 

Times Square. The most crowded place in my current neighbourhood. Full of offices, restaurants and the most diverse stores. It's... always full of people. 

The first eight floors are only clothes and electronics; the next five have restaurants, and then on I couldn't continue since I was starving and temptation was too big. I'll try to get to the top some day. (Isn't that what most people want in life?) 

Had never seen escalators going up two floors instead of one. I feel small town-ish.  

For the first time in four or five days, I got to see the sun. It's not that it's always cloudy or I never go out during the day; buildings are just so tall (and numerous, and everywhere) that rarely sun beams come through. I have to change the route I take to my school.  

Local fauna seen from the appartment. Miaurr!

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